261 Mumbai University exam results still hang in the balance

Though the results of major courses of Mumbai University have been declared and the majority of students have received their results, the marks of post-graduate students, law students and IDOL (Institute of Distance and Open Learning) students of around 261 exams have not yet been declared. Until Monday morning, the University's examination and evaluation department had announced results of 229 courses. However, the students in the remaining courses are awaiting their results.

Former Vice-Chancellor of Mumbai University Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh had started the online evaluation method to evaluate the answer sheets. However, last year, the answer sheets of various streams were checked by the same method but due to some errors, lakhs of students had suffered. But despite this, the university did not make any changes and continued the online assessment. Thus, the delay in the results of examinations is inevitable.

The Examination and Evaluation Department recently declared the data which revealed that the University had conducted 490 exams. These consisted of 45 exams of Arts, 95 exams of Commerce and Management, 219 exams of Science and Technology and 131 tests of Interdisciplinary Studies. These exams included 16,62,000 answer sheets.

Although the University has declared results of B.A., B.Com, B.Sc but results of 261 courses including Law are still pending. The University’s IDOL courses’ results too are awaiting results. Although the answer sheets of these exams haven’t been checked yet, it is expected that the results will be out by August second week.

The exams whose results are pending happened recently or in June. 80 per cent of the assessment work is completed and results will be announced soon,” said Vinod Malale, Deputy Secretary of Public Relations, Examination and Evaluation Board.

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