In the digital world... How to Future-proof your career?

The range of careers in the digital space is massive and it is also very new – the opportunities and job titles that exist now are things that were unimaginable and unheard of only a few years ago. So, if a career in digital is something that you want to consider, here are a few angles that you might want to consider.

As the professional world becomes increasingly automated, companies will need people with the skills to solve more complex technology problems and make the right calls to keep everything running smoothly. The decision-making, project management and problem-solving skills you may have picked up in your current position could give you a leg up in a future high-tech career.

Become a search wizard
Helping to optimize websites for search is a huge field and a very important one. A website that lacks traffic is a waste of money and the front for a company that is probably going to go under. Because websites are one of the most common sources for a new business it is critical that any site can be found by the relevant people and this is where SEO comes in. There are plenty of companies offering SEO services in India and they are always looking for bright and well-studied millennials to join their teams.

UX People

UX is a phrase that didn’t really exist ten years ago. Now it is possible to study it at university and to build a career out of it. In short, it stands for User Experience and it covers off the way that people interact with the digital platforms. It is more than just design. It is about the user journey and experience. About what works and what doesn’t from an interaction perspective. What features and implementations bring people back and secure repeat visits and what looks good but is redundant. This is the domain of the UX expert, and it makes for a fascinating career.

Community Managers

Similar in many ways to an editor, but more the domain of social media engagements and publishing. As brands strive to grow their social followings on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, so they need people to manage those communities. In short, to be the voice of the brand. There is no point in building a following if you are not going to interact with it and engage. This is a role that requires strong management and writing abilities as well as a good understanding of marketing and brands.


So many people have relevant and interesting things to say, and one of the big advantages of the digital era is that it has given rise to lots of independent voices. Media is no longer about big corporations deciding on what people should be told and what they don’t need to know. Now anybody can build an audience and monetize it and YouTube are currently making lots of people very wealthy. If you have the skills and the opinions investigate it – you might be surprised at what can be made of a successful channel.

Here are some tips to help you beat the business world to the punch and future-proof your career:
  1. Realize and Hone Your Current Skills                                                                   In addition to helping you better steer the tech, honing these “soft skills” will give you an advantage in the job roles that are most resistant to technological advancement, i.e., those careers which require a high level of emotional intelligence, such as teacher, nurse and psychologist. With this in mind, other highly marketable soft skills in the digital age include verbal communication, empathy, listening and creativity. If you already have these, make sure you’re ready to sell your talents to potential employers when you re-enter the job market, particularly if you’ve decided IT is the right field for you. If you’re still deciding between IT and other fields, here are nine compelling reasons to work in technology.
  2. Invest In Self-Education

    This doesn’t have to be a monetary investment, but instead can be an investment of some of your free time. If you’re trying to pick up IT skills, there are numerous free online options to help you begin to acquaint yourself with how new technology works and how it’s programmed, maintained, run and kept secure. Some free (or freemium) training options include MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), YouTube videos and subscription services like ITProTV.
  3. Embrace New Technologies

    You can stay ahead of the curve and keep up with the latest trends by committing to integrating new technology into your life as it hits the market. For instance, download the latest apps, wire your home with the latest IoT smart devices and sign up to attend a local 3-D printing workshop.
  4. Be Adaptable

    If there’s one thing you can count on in terms of both technology and the job market, it’s change. High-tech workers have to be ready to fully adopt the latest software, devices, applications and digital tools. Otherwise, they might get left behind while their more adaptable peers climb the ladder to success.
  5. Follow Your Passions

    Ideally, you’ll end up transitioning into a future career that provides you with satisfaction and the opportunity to feel passionate about what you do. That’s the goal, right? It’ll be easier to achieve that if you let your passions guide you to particular areas of innovative business and tech.
  6. Make Your Professional Connections Matter

    The power of networking is one of the few things that probably won’t change in the foreseeable future, regardless of how the digital age alters the workforce. It’s simply easier to get the job you want if you know the right people – professionals who can introduce you to hiring managers or vouch for your skills if you’re aiming to transfer to a different department at the same company.

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  1. AWS Cloud Security Live Lessons explores Amazon Web Services (AWS), which offers a scalable cloud computing platform designed for high availability and reliability, providing the tools that allow you to run a wide range of applications. Helping to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of your systems and data is of the utmost importance. The AWS infrastructure has been architected to be one of the most flexible and secure cloud computing environments available today. It is designed to provide an extremely scalable, highly reliable platform that allows customers to deploy applications and data quickly and securely.

    This course first covers the basics and rapid deployment capabilities of AWS to build a knowledge foundation for individuals who are brand new to cloud computing and AWS. You will explore the methods that AWS uses to secure their cloud services. You will learn how you, as an AWS customer, can have the most secure cloud solution possible for a wide variety of implementation scenarios. This course delves into the flexibility and agility needed to implement the most applicable security controls for your business functions in the AWS environment through deploying varying degrees of restrictive access to environments based on data sensitivity.

    Through onscreen demos and detailed instruction, seasoned presenter Michael J. Shannon takes you through the key facets of AWS best practices and services in the areas of shared security and compliance; identity and access management; infrastructure security; data protection; and logging and monitoring to ensure that your AWS environment remains secure.

    Topics include:
    • AWS Security Fundamentals
    • AWS Shared Security Responsibility Model
    • AWS Compliance Services
    • Understanding Users and Credentials
    • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
    • NACLs and Security Groups
    • AWS WAF and AWS Shield
    • Key Management
    • Visibility and Reporting
    Skill Level

    Intermediate systems/network/application professional

    Learn How To
    • Apply security concepts, models, and services in an AWS environment
    • Manage user account credentials and deploy AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to manage access to AWS services and resources securely
    • Protect your network through best practices using NACLs and security groups, as well as the security offered by AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) and AWS Shield
    • Protect your data with IPsec, AWS Certificate Manager, AWS Key Management Services (KMS), AWS Cloud HSM, and other key management approaches
    • Ensure that your AWS environment is secure through logging, monitoring, auditing, and reporting services available in AWS
    Who Should Take This Course
    • Existing certified cloud practitioners interested in building a strong security foundation to enhance their experience with Amazon EC2, VPC, and many other services
    • Individuals preparing for the AWS Solutions Architect, Developer, and SysOps Administrator Associate certifications
    • Anyone moving into or advancing in the IT and Information Security field
    Course Requirements

    Requires basic knowledge of cloud networking and network security concepts and technologies.

    Lesson 10, Logging and Monitoring, covers topics including visibility and reporting; security reporting and logging in AWS; activating Flow Logs and Region-based CloudTrail; AWS Auditing; Pre-Audit Tasks, and concludes with a look at additional security services offered in an AWS environment.
